
Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Torrullin did not answer. Instead he stretched his hand out; it passed through the shifting without effect to either him or the transparency. He frowned, wondering how it worked, and then he frowned more, realising he should know…and was afraid to acknowledge it.
Lazar said: ‘You need to establish the link first, like this…’ He stepped into the transparent veil and commenced a rhythmic chant, low and soft, the words of which Torrullin committed to memory as they were uttered.
The opposite end of the cave receded into a long, rocky tunnel and then it altered in appearance, transforming into a watery pipe of blues and greens. Tiny sparks of magenta crossed the watery substance, creating interesting patterns on the rounded walls.
‘That opens it to the linking, but in this state it is unstable and very dangerous, like a wormhole,’ Lazar murmured.
‘You chanted in Valleur,’ Torrullin said, and his gaze remained on the extraordinary phenomenon before him. It felt familiar.
Lazar smiled. ‘I have wondered.’ He faced the tunnel and called out loud. It sounded like a name. ‘My family name. Watch now. As soon as someone on the other side hears and acknowledges…yes! There it is!’
The swirling liquidity of the tunnel solidified into a pearlescent oval corridor that seemed to stretch into forever. The echo of Lazar’s calling came back to them faintly and was then followed incongruously by a laughing female voice.
Lazar turned around. ‘This is my final visit…I know I’m going to miss this.’ He shrugged and smiled. ‘So be it. What is it you said about acceptance? I’ll be no more than an hour…Plane time.’ He stepped confidently into the corridor.
It vanished, taking the eager form into its embrace.

Walker of Realms

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